Category: General

  • 2014…

    … I unfortunately did not have enough time for art. But I keep joining little projects (like Snail Mail My Email and other fun projects) to keep me going. And at least I participated in two very different exhibitions: in May I showed my drawings at the BoundCon XI (Europe´s largest fetish convention) and next Friday I am…

  • Advice Needed

    As I mentioned before, I´ll be exhibiting at the BoundCon XI in May. I´ve been searching for new ideas for quite a few months now and last week it suddenly struck me. I´m going to draw the pictures for the BoundCon on black paper. There are many inspirational drawings of white pens on black paper.…

  • BoundCon XI – European Fetish Convention

    I got invited to exhibit at the BoundCon XI – European Fetish Convention (May 2014). I need to get some more drawings done for this unusual location and unusual event. I´m pretty excited about it. The best chance to get some crazier stuff out there. Thanks Dorin, for the invitation!