Pornopinion 2: Sex sells! Really?

February 2015 I participated in a group exhibition “Pornopinion 2” in Zurich. It was all about eroticism, sexuality and pornography and its trivialization today through the ubiquity of naked bodies and pornography in the Internet, media and advertising.
30 artists showed their fresh and sensual, sensitive and passionate, seductive and provocative work. I met some cool guys* and artists and had a fun evening in Zurich. It also felt special to exhibit together with artists like Boris Hoppek, Benjamin Güdel and Jim Avignon. And I loved the location (Büro Discount) too!

Here´s an article (German!) about the exhibition written by Pete Stiefel for the Swiss kult magazine: Sex sells. Really?

© Thomas Braendle, Pornopinion 2 at Büro Discount

Click here for more pics of the exhibition (© Thomas Braendle).

Participating artists: Alex Schauwecker, Barbasutra, Benjamin Güdel, Boris Hoppek, Brainfart, *Büro Destruct, Carmen Gomez, Cho Linska, Craoman, Dave2000, Ekin Senan, Elf, Guitarhead, *Hexenmeister, *Hgb Fideljus, Jared Muralt (Blackyard), Jim Avignon, Kerstin Klein, Levin Bräu, Lopetz, Lukas Gaischek, Mischa Dr. Good, Mickry 3, *Maik Bischoff, MZO, Negma isblack, Roman Maeder (Milk + Wodka), Oibel 1, Ona Sadkowsky, Pedä Siegrist, Sarah Haug, Schirka El Creativo, Stu Mead, Taina, .frA*

You should check out Büro Destruct´s store and gallery Büro Discount, with its cool exhibitions.


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