
… I unfortunately did not have enough time for art. But I keep joining little projects (like Snail Mail My Email and other fun projects) to keep me going. And at least I participated in two very different exhibitions: in May I showed my drawings at the BoundCon XI (Europe´s largest fetish convention) and next Friday I am joining an “Advents-exhibition” at Arthaus Neuhausen in Munich. Strange mix…

I met Emmy Horstkamp, founder of Munich Artists and through her and her website I met some other artists too, which also lead to me having more time for art and joining more projects. More information will be coming soon, concerning a secret public artists installation and further exhibitions and projects.

Strangely though, not having enough time to create enough art, specially the second half of the year I have been asked to exhibit in quite a few places from Munich to Zurich and it seems that 2015 is going to become a great art year for me. Wohoo! 🙂



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