Two more weeks of THREE´S A CROWD

The exhibition at the Bayerische Landesschule in Munich, has been a great success so far. We have two more weeks to go and the artists will be present at the closing on July 21 as well. Sold Artwork can be taken home that day.
We won´t be having a buffet at the closing, but in case you want to drop by for a cold beer, just send a short message.


July 21, 11:00 – 13:00
Grünwalder Straße 68

Opening hours of the exhibition
Monday – Thursday (during school days) 17:30 – 20:30

Contact us by email to arrange visits outside of the opening hours (evenings, weekends, vacation time). We will gladly guide you through the show.


Participating artists:

Tamara Feith:

Kerstin Klein:

Timothy James Webb:


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